Environmental territorial ordination and civil participation in Argentina: possible contributions from the juridical field

María Valeria Berros


The aim of this work is to construct a reflection on the contributions that, from the juridical field, might be realized in the intersection between the environmental ordination of the territory and the mechanisms of civil participation for the decisions’ construction. We part from some elements of the judicial decision “Mendoza” in which it has been decided on one of the more important problems of structural pollution in Argentina and that raises a fundamental challenge in terms of public environmental policies. This case treats about the pollution of the basin Matanza-Riachuelo that comes from a type of relation between nature and society that today starts being revised. In the first and second part of the work there is an articulation between concepts relatives to the territory ordination and the mechanisms of civil participation, in simultaneous with judicial case presentation. Then, we focused in identifying the contributions that the juridical field might realize, in his role of institutional design, to improving the processes of constructing decisions concerning the uses of the territory.


Ordenamiento Territorial - Participación Ciudadana - Derecho Ambiental


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5102/rbpp.v5i1.3081

ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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