Building trust in policing: challenges and strategy

Baidya Nath Mukherjee, Meera Mathew


In recent years, trust has gained significant importance when discussing the evolution of policing. This shift in focus has been acknowledged by scholars, policymakers, and law enforcement officials who are responsible for ensuring public safety. Unlike the traditional emphasis on crime reduction, there is now a shared recognition that building trust is a fundamental objective in the relationship between policing agencies and the communities they serve. This article discusses three commonly employed methods by policing agencies and their personnel to enhance public trust in the police: policy changes, police training, and citizen oversight boards. Further, it focuses to a less conventional avenue for change, which involves re-evaluating the laws enforced by the police. To achieve meaningful transformation within the police system, it is necessary not only to modify how officers perform their duties but also to examine and potentially revise the laws they are obligated to enforce.


Police reforms; trust; police training; bias police; police trust model.

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