Methodologic strategies on research: decisions on the study of the pedagogic-didactic practice

Ivar César Oliveira de Vasconcelos


This essay discusses, from an epistemological point of view, the main methodological strategies applied in educational researches focused on teaching-learning area, regarding, therefore, a macroscopic vision of the educational institution and the classroom without mispercepting its connections to the social context. The research is based on theoretical material developed by several authors of educational area, either brazillian or foreigners. Its methodological approach considers the enlightening of fundamental concepts – methodologies, methods and research skills – and the use, as an example, of fictitious research directed to the actions taken by pedagogy professors on curricula development at the classrooms. The discussions have a practical-theoretical value once they are situated at the crossing point of basic educational themes such as curriculum, teaching and methodologies, providing reflexive critic to interested researchers and creating opportunities of taking property of theories. The study concludes with the conviction that applying methodological strategies requires, always, cares on the decision-making process by the researcher and that the knowledge obtained gets connected to afterwards decisions on strategies, methods and applied skills.
Key-words: research, didactic, teaching-learning process.


pesquisa; didática; ensino-aprendizagem.



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