Une définition du pré-investissement conforme à l’approche français mais contraire à l’approche américaine au sein des traités bilatéraux d’investissements iraniens

Peyman Dadras


The role of international investment law is well known throughout the world. In order to develop the internal economy of a country, it is necessary to obtain foreign funds in the context of an investment whatever the nature of the activity. National laws on foreign investment, often referred to as the "investments code", still probably have practical importance on the treatment of foreign investment to the extent that the state remains competent to regulate Entry and development of investment in its territory, even in the presence of an international convention. In this regard, the pre-investment, defined as all operations in connection with an investment in being realized on the territory of the host State, respects standards for the admission and establishment of that investment. In the context of a comparison between the United States, France and Iran on the admission of foreign investment (pre-investment) it is very remarkable in the view of the sovereignty of the state of the point where the investment will develop.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5102/rdi.v14i1.4548

ISSN 2236-997X (impresso) - ISSN 2237-1036 (on-line)

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