Thang Toan Nguyen, Yen Thi Hong Nguyen, Thuong Thi Hoai Mac


Marine pollution due to oil spills has been causing extremely serious consequences to the natural environment, society and mankind. As a coastal country with a coastline of more than 3,260 km, an exclusive economic zone and a continental shelf of more than one million square kilometer, the ocean economy plays a very important role in the existence, development and prosperity of Vietnam. A number of recent studies have shown that, despite being assessed as rich in natural resources and potential for development, Vietnam's seas are facing serious pollution problems, among which oil pollution is identified as the main pollution source. Although there have been many efforts in improving the legal system as well as implementing measures to prevent and deal with marine pollution due to oil spill, Vietnam currently has significant difficulties in keeping clean and sustainably developing its sea. The reason for this is limited financial resources, not yet fully developed technology, the legal system being in the process of completion, part of the population being not fully aware of the serious impacts of marine environmental pollution caused by oil spill. With the aim of deeply researching legal and practical issues on prevention and response to marine pollution caused by oil spills in Vietnam nowadays, in this article, the authors will focus on (i) assess the status and effects of marine pollution due to oil spillson the socio-economic situation in Vietnam nowadays; (ii) assess the compatibility of Vietnamese law with international commitments on prevention and treatment of marine pollution caused by oil spill; (iii) point out Vietnam's challenges in carrying out activities to prevent and remedy marine pollution caused by oil spills; finally (iv) propose solutions for Vietnamese government to improve the law and strengthen the capacity to deal with marine pollution caused by oil spills in the near future.


Oil spills, marine pollution, environmental law, sea law, international law.

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