The International Criminal Court at the Crossroads: selectivity, politics and the prosecution of international crimes in a post-Western world

Rui Carlo Dissenha, Derek Assenço Creuz


By delving into the past and present, this article’s objective is to critically assess the selectivity of International Criminal Law (ICL) in light of the International Criminal Court (ICC)’s response to the conflict in Ukraine. This research seeks to provide insight into selectivity, politics and international criminal lawmaking and enforcement, attempting to pave a future where the ICC may engage in international affairs in a meaningful and adequate way. This is a case study that, by adopting bibliographic, documental, jurisprudential and legislative research methods as its working methodology, provides an overarching vision of the selectivity critique in the international criminal realm and dives into the inherently political element of ICL. As a result, this research appraises the political dimension of the ICC, stating the need for the Court to embrace it as a way of achieving its ending impunity goal while advocating for transparent criteria for case prosecution and trial. The suggestion that the ICC fully engages with its political element as a way to promote transitional, conflict-settling justice and to find its renewed inner voice in a post-Western world is brought forth as a concluding remark.

Palabras clave

International Criminal Court; International Criminal Law; Selectivity; Politics; Ukraine; Post-Western world. (Tribunal Penal Internacional; Direito Penal Internacional; Seletividade; Política; Ucrânia; Mundo pós-ocidental.)

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ISSN 2236-997X (impresso) - ISSN 2237-1036 (on-line)

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