A Contribuição da IIRSA na Retomada dos Investimentos em Infra-Estrutura, redução dos gargalos logísticos e incremento da atividade exportadora 10.5102/uri.v4i1.272

Fátima Faro, Rodrigo Faro


The purpose of this article is to discuss the IRSA (South America’s Infra-structure Regional Integration) and its contribution for the Brazilian Economic and Social Development, regarding the investments on infra-structure in areas such as engineering, transportation and telecommunication, the reduction of the logistic problems as well as the encouragement of the foreign trades activities, in special, the Brazilian Export of Services.


Comércio Exterior; Exportação de Serviços; Integração Regional; Investimentos; Infra-estrutura; Problemas Logísticos;

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5102/uri.v4i1.272


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ISSN 1807-2135 (impresso) - ISSN 1982-0720 (on-line) - e-mail: universitas.rel@uniceub.br

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Logomarca da Lepidus Tecnologia